Page:The Works of the Rev. Jonathan Swift, Volume 11.djvu/420

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to retire and enjoy the comforts of a domestick life. But sure the earth has not produced such monsters as Mercurialis[1], and his companion[2], and the prelate[3]. The last openly avows he never had obligation to the dragon, and loads him with ten thousand crimes; though his greatest, in reality, was preferring him. But to come out of this rant; What should they be friends for? Cui bono? Are we in a dream? Is the queen alive again? Can the lady[4] hereafter make any figure, but a persona muta in a drama? If the dragon declares against the man of mercury, he may strike in with the tertium quid, that will probably arise; but with him he can never be otherwise than spurned and hated. The natural result of this is, that however I may, for my private satisfaction, desire to see you here, I cannot but think you should go to Ireland to qualify yourself, and then return hither, when the chaos will be jumbled into some kind of order. If the king keeps some tories in employment, the notion of whig and tory will be lost; but that of court and country will arise[5]. The regency has declared in favour of the whigs in Ireland. I believe Mr. Thomas will stand his ground. We shall be dissolved as soon as we have settled the civil list. We have no appearance that any attempt will be formed by the pretender.

  1. Lord Bolingbroke.
  2. Probably the lord chancellor Harcourt.
  3. The bishop of Rochester.
  4. Lady Masham.
  5. This is a remarkable prediction, which we have seen fulfilled.