Page:The Works of the Rev. Jonathan Swift, Volume 11.djvu/443

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what he thinks, but I am perfectly well satisfied, that there will not be that one dragon left, if some people have their will. Haly Bassa, they say, struggles for his son-in-law. It is generous and grateful. There is a prodigious quarrel between him and the president about it[1]. I have given you the trouble of the adjoined for the dean, as also a scrap of a letter for him which we had begun at our club, but did not finish; Dr. Parnell not going, as he said.

I am not yet out, but expect to be soon. Adieu.

I had almost forgot to tell you of the pretender's declaration, in which there are words to this purpose: "That he had no reason to doubt of the good intention of his sister, which was the reason that he sat quiet in her time; but now was disappointed by the deplorable accident of her sudden death."



I SEND you the scrap of a letter begun to you by the whole society, because I suppose you even value the fragments of your friends. The honest gentleman, at whose lodgings we wrote, is gone for France. I really value your judgment extremely in choosing

  1. The president of the council, who at that time was Daniel, earl of Nottingham.
  2. Written on the same paper with the last.
