Page:The Works of the Rev. Jonathan Swift, Volume 11.djvu/53

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church. This I say, in case such a thing should happen; for my own thoughts are turned another way, if the earl of Berkeley's journey to Vienna holds, and the ministry will keep their promise of making me the queen's secretary[1]; by which I shall be out of the way of parties, until it shall please God I have some place to retire to, a little above contempt; or, if all fail, until your grace and the dean of St. Patrick's shall think fit to dispose of that poor town-living[2] in my favour.

Upon this event of the prince's death, the contention designed with the court about a speaker is dropped, and all agree in sir Richard Onslow, which is looked on as another argument for the scheme succeeding. This I had from the same hand.

As to a comprehension which your grace seems to doubt an intention of, from what was told me, I can say nothing; doubtless, it must be intended to come to that at last, if not worse; but I believe at present, it was meant, that there should be a consent to what was endeavoured at in your parliament last session.

I thought to have writ more largely to your grace, imagining I had much matter in my head; but it fails, or is not convenient at present. If the scheme holds, I shall make bold to tell your grace my thoughts as formerly, under cover, because I believe there will be a great deal to be thought of and done. A little time may produce a great deal. Things are now in great suspense both at home and abroad. The parliament, we think, will have no prorogation. There is no talk of the duke of Marl-

  1. To the embassy at Vienna.
  2. St. Nicholas.
