Page:The Works of the Rev. Jonathan Swift, Volume 11.djvu/57

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LONDON, NOV. 30, 1708.

I WRIT to you about a fortnight ago, after my return from the country, and gave you some account of an intended change at court, which is now finished. Care was taken to put lord Pembroke in mind of the first fruits before he went out of his office; but it was needless, for his excellency had it at heart, and the thing is done, of which, I suppose, you have an account. You know who goes over chaplain; the archbishop of Canterbury, and several other bishops, and the lord treasurer himself, solicited that matter in a body: it was thought absolutely necessary, considering the dismal notion they have here of so many high church archbishops among you; and your friend[1] made no application, for reasons left you to guess. I cannot yet learn whether you are to have a new parliament; but I am apt to think you will, and that it must bethought necessary. The affair of Drogheda[2] has made a noise here, and like every thing else on your side, is used as a handle: I have had it rung in my ears from certain persons. I hope you are prepared to take off the sacramental test, because that will be a means to have it taken off here among us; and that the clergy will be for it, in consideration of the queen's bounty; and that men in employment will be so wise as to please the

  1. He means himself. The archbishop had advised him to apply for the chaplainship to lord Wharton. Dr. Lambert was appointed.
  2. Some disputes in corporation affairs.
