Page:The Works of the Rev. Jonathan Swift, Volume 11.djvu/59

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was an intention of putting the parliament on examining and correcting courts ecclesiastick, &c.

The archbishop of Dublin is represented here as one that will very much oppose our designs; and, although I will not say that the Observator is paid for writing as he does; yet I can positively affirm to you, that whatever he says of that bishop, or of the affairs of Ireland, or those here, is exactly agreeable to our thoughts and intentions.

This is all I can recollect, fit to inform you at present. — If you please, I shall from time to time send you any thing that comes to my knowledge, that may be worth your notice.

I am, &c.

NOV. 30, 1708.

I RECEIVED a letter from you the Lord knows when, for it has no date; but I conceive it to have been a month ago, for I met it when I came from Kent, where, and at Epsom, I passed about six weeks, to divert myself the fag-end of the summer, which proved to be the best weather we had. I am glad you made so good a progress in your building; but you had the emblem of industry in your mind, for the bees begin at the top and work downward,
