Page:The Works of the Rev. Jonathan Swift, Volume 11.djvu/93

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liberty that is already taken. I think too much time has already been lost in the Miscellanies; therefore hasten that: and whichever is in the most forwardness, I would begin on first. All here depend on an entire alteration. I am, &c.


ABOUT two days ago I received the enclosed, that is sealed up, and yesterday that of my friend Steele, which requiring a speedy answer, I have sent you express. In the mean time I have let him know, that you are out of town, and that he may expect your answer by the next post. I fancy he had my lord Halifax's authority for writing. I hope this will bring you to town. For your amusement by the way, I have sent you some of this day's news; to which I must add, that Drs. Bysse and Robinson are likely to be the bishops of Bristol and St. David's: that our politicians are startled at the breaking off the negotiations, and fall of stocks; insomuch that it is thought they will not venture at dissolving the parliament in such a crisis. I am ever, dear sir, your's entirely,

Mr. Steele desires me to seal your's before I deliver it, but this you will excuse in one, who wishes you as well as he, or any body living can do.

Vol. XI.