Page:The Works of the Rev. Jonathan Swift, Volume 11.djvu/95

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do. We are your lordships most humble servants and brethren,

To the right rev. fathers in God, John, lord bishop of Ossory, and Thomas, lord bishop of Killaloe.

LONDON, SEPT. 9, 1710.

I ARRIVED here on Thursday last, and inquiring for the two bishops, I found my lord of Ossory[1] was gone some time ago, and the bishop of Killaloe[2] I could not hear of until next day, when I found he was set out early in the morning for Ireland; so that the letter to their lordships is so far to no purpose. I cannot yet learn whether they left any papers behind them; neither shall I much inquire; and to say the truth, I was less solicitous to ask after the bishop of Killaloe, when I heard the other was gone.

They tell me, all affairs in the treasury are governed by Mr. Harley[3], and that he is the person

  1. Dr. Harstonge was bishop of Ossory from 1693 to 1714.
  2. Dr. Thomas Lindsay, bishop of Killaloe from March 1695, was translated to Raphoe in June 1713, to Armagh in January following; and died July 13, 1724.
  3. Afterward earl of Oxford.
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