Page:The Works of the Rev. Jonathan Swift, Volume 11.djvu/98

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Harley is looked upon as first minister, and not my lord Shrewsbury, and his grace helps on the opinion, whether out of policy or truth; upon all occasions professing to stay until he speaks with Mr. Harley. The queen continues at Kensington indisposed with the gout, of which she has frequent returns.

I deferred writing to your grace as late as I could this post, until I might have something to entertain you: but there is such a universal uncertainty among those who pretend to know most, that little can be depended on. However, it may be some amusement to tell you the sentiments of people here, and, as bad as they are, I am sure they are the best that are stirring: for it is thought there are not three people in England entirely in the secret; nor is it sure, whether even those three are agreed in what they intend to do.

I am, with great respect,

my Lord,

your grace's most obedient

and most humble servant,

I have not time to read this, and correct the literal mistakes.

I was to wait on the duke of Ormond, to set him right in the story of the college, about the statue, &c.