Page:The Works of the Rev. Jonathan Swift, Volume 12.djvu/20

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all the ladies in France for her beauty. She had great honours done her. The hussar himself was ordered to bring her the king's cat to kiss. Her name is Bennet. Among other folks I saw your old friend lord Bolingbroke, who asked for you. He looks just as he did. Your friends here are in good health; not changed in their sentiments toward you. I left my two girls in France with their uncle, which was my chief business. I do not know that I have any friends on your side, beside Mr. Ford, to whom give my service, and to Dr. Parnell and Mr. Jervis[1].

If it be possible for you, obey the contents of the enclosed; which, I suppose, is a kind invitation. The dragon is just as he was, only all his old habits ten times stronger upon him than ever. Let me beg of

    The king, as he at dinner sat
    Did beckon to his hussar,
    And bid him bring his tabby cat,
    For charming Nell to buss her.

    The ladies were with rage provok'd,
    To see her so respected:
    The men look'd arch, as Nelly strok'd,
    And puss her tail erected.

    But not a man did look employ,
    Except on pretty Nelly;
    Then said the duke de Villeroi,
    Ah! qu'elle est bien jolie?

    The courtiers all, with one accord,
    Broke out in Nelly's praises;
    Admir'd her rose, and lis sans farde,
    Which are your terms Francoises.

  1. The very eminent painter.