Page:The Works of the Rev. Jonathan Swift, Volume 12.djvu/362

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end of them. I have found my brain heated, my imagination fired, just as if I was drunk. A pretty thing indeed for one of your gown to value himself upon, that with sitting still an hour in his study, he has often made three kingdoms drunk at once.

I have twenty other points to maul you upon, if you provoke me; but if you are civil, and good natured, and will send me a long, a very long letter, in answer to this, I will let you alone a good while. Well, adieu. If I had a better pen, I can tell you, that I should not have concluded so soon.

LONDON, SEPT. 19, 1730.

HAD I not been retired into the country, yours should have been answered long ago. As to your poetess, I am her obliged servant, and must confess the fact is just as you state it. It is very true I was gaming; and upon the dapper youth's delivering me a paper, which I just opened, found they were verses; so slunk them into my pocket, and there truly they were kept exceeding private; for I cannot accuse myself of showing them to a mortal. But let me assure you, it was not out of modesty, but in great hopes that the author would have divulged them; which, you know, would have looked decenter than trumpetting my own fame. But it seems unhappily we were both bit, and judged wrong of each other. However since you desire it, you may be very sure
