Page:The Works of the Rev. Jonathan Swift, Volume 12.djvu/394

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MARCH 10, 1730-31.

I THINK it is above three months since I wrote to you, in partnership with the duchess. About a fortnight since I wrote to you from Twickenham, for Mr. Pope and myself. He was then disabled from writing, by a severe rheumatick pain in his arm; but is pretty well again, and at present in town. Lord Oxford, lord Bathurst, he, and I, dined together yesterday at Barnes, with old Jacob Tonson, where we drank your health. I am again, by the advice of physicians, grown a moderate wine drinker, after an abstinence of above two years; and now look upon myself as qualified for society as before.

I formerly sent you a state of the accounts between us. Lord Bathurst has this day paid me your principal and interest. The interest amounted to twelve pounds, and I want your directions how to dispose of the principal, which must lie dead, till I receive your orders. I had a scheme of buying two lottery tickets for you, and keeping your principal entire. And as all my good fortune is to come, to show you that I consult your advantage, I will buy two more for myself, and you and I will go halves in the ten thousand pounds. That there will be a lottery is certain: the scheme is not yet declared, but I hear it will not be the most advantageous one; for we are to have but three pounds per cent.

I solicit for no court favours, so that I propose to
