Page:The Works of the Rev. Jonathan Swift, Volume 12.djvu/484

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gratitude, than the quick sense of that rare virtue which I owe to you, sir, for the trouble you have so willingly undertaken, in executing what I so much desired; since the manner you have done it in, answers my wishes in every respect. The proposal you made, I acquainted my sister Kildare, and niece Fanny Coningsby with; for I being but one part of the family, cannot act farther than they will consent, which is, that they will settle twenty shillings per year, that you may never be liable to any more trouble upon the same occasion.

I need not inform Mr. dean, that the world teaches us, that relations and friends look like two different species: and though I have the honour to be allied to my lord Burlington, yet since the death of my good father and his the notice he takes of me, is, as if I was a separated blood; or else, I am vain enough to say, we are sprung from one ancestor, whose ashes keep up a greater lustre than those who are not reduced to it.

I cannot conclude without saying, that were I worthy in any way to have the pleasure of seeing dean Swift, I do not know any passion, even envy would not make innocent, in my ambition of seeing the author of so much wit and judicious writing, as I have had the advantage to reap. Your most humble and obliged servant,

Your opinion of Mr. French is just, and his due.

    thedral. For this purpose the twenty shillings a year were doubtless settled by the family. This lady and Richard, the last earl of Burlington, were second cousins, being both lineally descended from the first earl of Cork.