Page:The Works of the Rev. Jonathan Swift, Volume 13.djvu/173

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gratitude and esteem, sir, your most obliged obedient humble servant,

I beg you will be so good to give my best wishes and services to Dr. Delany and Dr. Helsham.

FEBRUARY 13, 1734-5.

YOU are a fine gentleman indeed, to teach his grace of Dorset such saucy words; and we have quarrelled so much about it, that I do not know but I shall oblige him to meet me behind Montague house[1]. He says, it is some time ago that he commanded me to write to you, to assure you, he thought himself very much obliged to you for your letter, and that he takes it as a proof of your friendship and good will to him. So far I own is true; he did humbly beg the favour of me to write you this a great while ago; but I understood he had something else more to say, so delayed writing; and though I cannot but own I have seen him pretty often since, yet (at the times I could speak to him) my addle head constantly forgot to ask him what he had to say? So now he says he will do his own business, and write to you soon himself.

The countess[2] has quitted the court, because,

  1. Where duels were frequently fought.
  2. The countess of Suffolk.
Vol. XIII.