Page:The Works of the Rev. Jonathan Swift, Volume 13.djvu/232

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that you have all their hearts, and mine among the rest, if it be worth any thing. My love and service to Mrs. Whiteway, and all friends. I am, dear sir, your most obedient and very humble servant,

SEPT. 12, 1735.

HERE is a very ingenious observation upon the days of the week, and in rhime, worth your observation, and very proper for the information of boys and girls, that they may not forget to reckon them: Sunday's a pun day, Monday's a dun day, Tuesday's a news day, Wednesday's a friend's day, Thursday's a cursed day, Friday's a dry day, Saturday's the latter day. I intend something of equal use upon the months: as January, women vary. I shall likewise in due time make some observation upon each year as it passes. So for the present year:

One thousand seven hundred and thirty-five,
When only the d——— and b———ps will thrive.

And for the next.

One thousand seven hundred and thirty-six,
When the d——— will carry the b———ps to Styx.

Perge :

One thousand seven hundred and thirty-seven,
When the whigs are so blind they mistake Hell for Heav'n.

I will