Page:The Works of the Rev. Jonathan Swift, Volume 13.djvu/438

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man had a very handsome compliment from the vicechancellor, in the name of all the heads of houses there, and by their direction; wherein there is most honourable mention of the dean of St. Patrick's on that occasion.

Seeing an article in the London Evening Post upon your picture, which was drawn at the request and expense of the chapter of your cathedral, being put up in the deanery; alderman Barber took the hint, and caused what you see in the London Evening Post of this day to be printed therein. He knows nothing of my writing to you at this time; but I thought it right that you should be acquainted how intent he is, all manner of ways, to show the effects of the highest friendship, kindled to a flame by the warmest sense of gratitude, and the most exalted esteem and veneration.

Mrs. Whiteway, and Mr. McAulay, can inform you how absolute your commands are with me. Since you recommended him, he is sure of the utmost I can do for him.

Sir, if I have not a few words from you, I shall conclude that you think me troublesome, and are resolved to get rid of my impertinence. It will be two or three months before I can get from hence, although I am impatient to be at home: but wherever I am, or however engaged, I am always, dear sir, your most obliged and most truly faithful servant,

My best respects wait upon Mrs. Whiteway.