Page:The Works of the Reverend George Whitefield, M.A. (1771 Vol 1).djvu/113

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Lord Jesus can, so that he may do all these things for your soul, is the hearty prayer of, dear Sir,

Your sincere friend and servant,
G. W.

LETTER CVI. To the Rev. Mr. H.

Reverend and dearest Sir, Philadelphia, Nov. 10, 1739.

IT often concerned me, when in London, that I could not enjoy more of your company. Your conversation was always seasoned with grace, and such as became the gospel of Christ. Your great kindness, in publicly praying for me, can never be sufficiently acknowledged. The thought almost makes me to weep for joy. Surely the Lord will not let me miscarry, since he has stirred up the choicest of his servants to intercede in my behalf. The searcher of all hearts alone knows, what agonies my poor soul has undergone since my retirement from the world. The remembrance of my past sins has overwhelmed my soul, and caused tears to be my meat day and night. Indeed I have mourned as one mourneth for a first born: But I looked to him whom I have pierced. I was enabled to see the freeness and riches of his grace, the infiniteness and eternity of his love, and my soul received comfort. Oh the excellency of the doctrine of election, and of the saints final perseverance, to those who are truly sealed by the spirit of promise! I am persuaded, till a man comes to believe and feel these important truths, he cannot come out of himself; but when convinced of these, and assured of the application of them to his own heart, he then walks by faith indeed, not in himself, but in the Son of God, who died and gave himself for him. Love, not fear, constrains him to obedience. The promises of God are all Yea and Amen to his soul. Supported by these convictions, in about a twelvemonth, God willing, I intend returning to England, and to begin my testimony afresh. I trust I shall not be ashamed to declare the whole counsel of God. Satan, no doubt, and his emissaries, will endeavour to block up my way; but the saints of God are praying for me on earth, and the holy Jesus is interceding in heaven. Why should I