Page:The Works of the Reverend George Whitefield, M.A. (1771 Vol 1).djvu/151

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To Mrs. C.

Newton, Cape Fear, Dec. 28, 1739.

My dear Sister in Christ,

JUST now we have been singing the hymn, which we sung at Broad-oak; and as I generally do at such seasons, I thought of that happy time wherein we sung it in your great hall. It was a time much to be remembered, an anticipation, I believe, of that blessed time when we all shall meet to sing the song of the Lamb in the heavenly Jerusalem——For the adoption of the spirit, if truly received, is the earnest of our promised inheritance. We are sealed thereby to the day of redemption, and therefore may give both men and devils the challenge to separate us, if they can, from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord—I am verily persuaded, that since I left you, all things have worked together for your good. As I am travelling, often does my soul think both of you and yours, and out of the fulness of my heart, do I often pour forth this or such like petitions, "Dearest Lord, be for ever gracious to the houshold of ——!" My conscience hath smote me frequently, for not writing you a longer letter. I send this to ask pardon, and to assure you how often you and your daughters are upon my heart, when I go in and out before the Lord—I long to hear how the Lord Jesus hath magnified his strength in your weakness. It would fill a volume to tell his goodness and truth; and my base ingratitude sometimes comes with such conviction upon my heart, that I can scarce forbear getting off my horse, and humbling myself in the way side. Indeed, I am the chief of sinners, and yet overflowing hath the Lord Jesus been in his love. You will hear more soon by the journal which will be sent. Dear Mrs. C——, my love to all.

Your affectionate though unworthy brother in Christ,
G. W.


Reverend and dear Sir, Savannah, Jan. 16. 1740.

WITH much pleasure (tho' not till last week) I received your kind affectionate letter. I thank you for it with