Page:The World's Famous Orations Volume 10.djvu/171

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��except it is sought and kept by the light of those qualities of heart, which it is sometimes supposed may safely be neglected or subordi- nated in university surroundings. This is a great mistake. Study and study hard, but never let the thought enter your mind that study alone or the greatest possible accumulation of learning alone will lead you to the heights of usefulness and success.

The man who is universally mourned to-day achieved the highest distinction which his great country can confer on any man, and he lived a useful life. He was not deficient in education, but with all you will hear of his grand career, and of his services to his country and his fel- low citizens, you will not hear that either the high place he reached or what he accom- plished was due entirely to his education. You will instead constantly hear as accounting for his great success that he was obedient and affection- ate as a son, patriotic and faithful as a soldier, honest and upright as a citizen, tender and devo- ted as a husband, and truthful, generous, unsel- fish, moral and clean in every relation of life. He never thought any of these things too weak for manliness. Make no mistake. Here was a most distinguished man, a great man, a useful man — who became distinguished, great and use- ful because he had, and retained unimpaired, the qualities of heart which I fear university stu- dents sometimes feel like keeping in the back- ground or abandoning.

There is a most serious lesson for all of us 139

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