Page:The World's Famous Orations Volume 10.djvu/277

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Born in 184S, died in 1901; served in the Civil War, reaching the ranV

of Major; Member of Congress from Ohio in 1877-91; defeated for

Congress in 1890; elected Governor of Ohio in 1891, and again in 1893;

elected President in 1896, and again in 1900.

I AM glad again to be in the city of Buffalo and exchange greetings with her people, to whose generous hospitality I am not a stranger, and with whose good will I have been repeatedly and signally honored. To-day I have additional satis- faction in meeting and giving welcome to the foreign representatives assembled here, whose presence and participation in this Exposition have contributed in so marked a degree to its interest and success. To the commissioners of the Dominion of Canada and the British Colo- nies, the French Colonies, the Republics of Mexi- co and of Central and South America, and the commissioners of Cuba and Porto Rico, who share with us in this undertaking, we give the hand of fellowship and felicitate with them upon the triumphs of art, science, education and manu- facture which the old has bequeathed to the new century.

1 Delivered in Buffalo at a reception at the World's Fair on Sep. tember 5, 1901, the day before he was assassinated.


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