Page:The World's Famous Orations Volume 10.djvu/308

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��Hamilton, Alexander; biograph- ical note on, vol. VIII, 132; on the adoption of the fed- eral constitution, 132-142.

Hannibal; biographical note on, vol, II, 9; an address to his soldiers, 9-13.

Harrison, Benjamin; biograph- ical note on, vol. X, 155; his inaugural address, 155-161.

Hay, John; biographical note on, vol. X, 228; his tribute to Mc- Kinley, 228-238.

Hayne, Robert Young; bio- graphical note on, vol. IX, 3; on the Foote resolution, in reply to Webster, 3-23.

Henry, Patrick; biographical note on, vol. VIII, 62; the "Give me liberty or give me death" speech, 62-67; the "Shall liberty or empire be sought" speech, 67-76.

Hermocrates; biographical note on, vol. I, 55; on the union of Sicily against invaders, 55- 60.

Hoar, George F.; bi :)graphical note on, vol. X, 220; on sub- jugation of the Philippines be- ing iniquitous, 220-227.

Homer; biographical note on, vol. I, 3; the reply of Achilles to the envoys, 3-8.

Hugo, Victor; biographical nt'te on, vol. VII, 193; in defense of his son, 193-195.

Ingersoll, Robert Q.; biograph- ical note on, vol. X, 77; his speech nominating Blaine for president, 77-81; at his broth- er's grave, 81-83.

I5£eu5; biographical note on, vul. I, 101; in the suit against DicicoKcnes and Leochares, 101-109.

��Isocrates; biographical note on, vol. I, 89; on the union of Greece to resist Persia, 89-100.

Jaclcson, Aadrew; biographical note on, vol. VIII, 204; kis second inaugural address, 204— 209; his farewell address, 209- 217.

Jaurds; biographical note on, vol. VII, 208; in the debate on socialism with Clemenceau, 208-213.

Jefferson, Thomas; biographical note on, vol. VIII, 166; his first inaugural address, 166- 173.

Knox, John ; biographical note on, vol. Ill, 23; on the first temptation of Christ, 23-33.

Kossuth, Louis; biographical note on, vol. VII, 249; on his welcome to New York, 249— 254.

Lamar, L. Q. C; biographical note on, vol. X, 61 ; on Sum- ner in the South, 61-64.

Lamartine, Alphonse Marie Louis; biographical note on, vol. \'II, 187; to a deputation of Poles, 187-192.

Latimer, Hugh; biograpliical note on, vol. Ill, 11; his sec- ond sermon on "the card," 11-17.

Laurier, Sir Wilfrid; biograph. jcal note on, vol. V, 192; on the death of Queen Victoria, 192-200.

Lincoln, Abraham; biographical note on, vol. IX, 222; the "House divided against itself" speech, 222-227; in the first debate with Douglas, 227-237; his farewell words in Spring- field, 238-239; his first inaug- ural address, 240-253; his


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