Page:The World's Famous Orations Volume 5.djvu/270

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king — the sacred principle of the subordination of the military to the civil authority.

Now, Mr. Chairman, I turn to the Colonies. It is surely unnecessary for us to make public pro- testations of our affection for the Colonies and our desire to bring them closer and closer to our- selves. I would say this: that the relations be- tween the Colonies and the mother country have never been settled on the lines of party politics, but if it were that they had been so fixed and were to be so conducted, surely the democratic and progressive instincts and institutions of those great communities would find more affinity among us than among our opponents. But I have heard with relief and pleasure from Lord Elgin that he finds no trace of that tendency to disruption of which we were told but a few months ago. There is no sign of tension or fric- tion; everything is smooth save the one ruffled spot — South Africa. Ladies and gentlemen, in South Africa the difficulties and complications are, as you know, great. I have no general state- ment to make to you, for we have not had time adequately to examine them. But one conclusion his majesty's government has arrived at, and it is this: to stop forthwith — as far as it is prac- ticable to do it forthwith — the recruitment and embarkation of coolies in China, and their im- portation into South Africa; and instructions have been given to that effect.

A few weeks ago, at Portsmouth, I referred to our present relations with foreign powers, and 230

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