Page:The World's Most Famous Court Trial - 1925.djvu/44

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Q—Could you go in the jury box, Mr. Ferguson, and try the case wholly on the law and the evidence, disregarding anything you have heard or know about it?

A—I think I could, yes, sir.

Q—You can go in there and free from any leaning or bias before you hear any proof, without any leaning in either way?

A—I think so.

The Court—I think you could. He seems to be competent.

Mr. McKenzie—Pass him to you, Colonel.

Examination by Col. Darrow:

Q—Where do you live?

A—I live in this county.


A—I live out in the Third district in this county.

Q—How far from Dayton?

A—Two and a half miles.

Q—A farmer?

A—Yes, sir.

Q—Own a farm and run it yourself?

A—Yes, sir.

Q—Has that been your business for a long time?

A—All my life.

Q—Are you a member of the church?

A—Yes, sir.


A—Yes, sir.

Q—And you have been a Baptist for a long time?

A—Yes, sir.

Q—A pretty regular church attendant?



A—Yes, sir.

Q—Go every Sunday?

A—Not every Sunday.

The Court—Talk louder, please.

A—Not every Sunday.

Q—Do you read much?

A—Yes, sir, a right smart.

Q—What do you read, books?

A—Well, mostly, no I read the Bible some. I read newspapers.

The Court—Louder. They complain they cannot hear you.

A—My voice there seems to be something the matter. Yes, my voice, I read the Bible some, newspapers mostly. I don't read much books.


A—Well, some.

Q—Did you ever read about evolution?

A—Well, nothing only just what I have seen in the papers.

Q—What papers do you take?

A—Well, I am taking the Tri-Weekly Constitution, an Atlanta paper, now, I have taken the Chattanooga News, I am not taking it now.

Q—Any church papers?

A—Not now, I have taken the Baptist Reflector, but not now.

Q—Ever hear anybody talk on evolution?

A—Yes, sir; some.

Q—Who have you heard?

A—Well, it has been general talk, since this case came up.

Q—Ever hear anybody lecture on it?

A—No, sir.

Q—Hear any preachers talk about it?

A—Yes, sir; some.

Q—In church?

A—Yes, sir.

Q—Your preacher?

A—Yes, sir. Yes.

Q—Do you think he is an authority on evolution; do you?

A—Well, I don't dispute it at all, anything he said, no.

Q—He talked against it, didn't he?

A—Well, I think so, yes, sir.

Q—Well, you know he is against it, don't you, are you against it too?

A—Well, if evolution is what I have heard, I would have to say I am.

Q—What you have heard from the preacher?

A—Well, preachers and others, just talking.

Q—You are against evolution as you understand evolution?

A—Yes, sir.

Q—And you think it is against the Bible?

A—I think so.

Q—You have that opinion now?

A—That is the way I understand it.