Page:The World's Parliament of Religions Vol 1.djvu/141

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THE CHRONICLE OF THE PARLIAMENT. I I 3 The Afternoon Session was presided over by the Rev. Jenkin Lloyd-Jones, of Chicago. The Argument for the Divine Being ; Hon. W. T. Harris, United States Commissioner of Education. Hinduism; by Manilal N. D'Vivedi, of Bombay, India. Read by Virchand A. Gandhi. Idealism the New Religion ; by Dr. Adolph Brodbeck, of Hannover, Germany. In some preliminary remarks the author of this concluding paper of the session signified his expecta- tion that his views would impress many as strange. And in fact it was devoted so much more to the paradoxical and by no means studiously respectful rejection of the tenets of others, than to the enunciation of his own, that he was an efficient agent in bringing to pass his own prophecy. Expressions of dissent from his positions, but more especially from his nega- tions, were very distinct and unmistakable. But, quite apart from any theological value, the paper had exceptional value as a demonstration of the freedom and patience of the Parlia- ment. At the conclusion of the paper and of the session, the Chairman remarked : " You will agree with me that the hos- pitality of this platform has been vindicated, and that the aim of the Parliament of Religions to study all exhibits of the spectrum has been realized to-day. Were the testimony of any one missing, the spirit and intent of this Parliament would have fallen somewhat short of its highest ideal." The Third Day. — Wednesday, September 13. This day there were three successive sessions of the Parlia- ment, each one of them characterized by some incident or contribution of peculiar interest. At each session the great hall was crowded to its utmost capacity. The morning session was presided over by Chairman Barrows, and began, as on the previous days, with an act of silent devotion, and with the reciting of the " Universal Prayer " of our Lord, led by Mr. Mozoomdar. The first paper of the morning had been looked forward to with exceptional interest because of the author personally, 8