Page:The World's Parliament of Religions Vol 1.djvu/172

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144 HISTORY OF THE PARLIAMENT. The Friendship of the Faiths ; Poem, by L. J. Block, of Chicago. Read by Mrs. Linden W. Bates. The Relations between the Anglican Church and the Church of the First Ages ; by the Rev. Prof. Thomas Richey, General Theological Seminary, New York. The Bearing of Religious Unity on the Work of Missions ; by the Rev. George T. Candlin of Tien-tsin, West China. Mr. Candlin delivered his address clothed in Chinese cos- tume. The interest felt and manifested during the delivery of the paper was intense. And at the close of it occurred one of the memorable scenes of the Parliament. Almost the whole audience rose cheering and waving handkerchiefs; and among many others Mr. Dharmapala grasped the hand of the speaker and thanked him for his noble address. The Reunion of Christendom ; by the Rev. Philip Schaff, D.D., LL.D., Professor in Union Theological Seminary, New York. Read by the Rev. Dr. McPherson, of Chicago. Interdenominational Comity ; by the Rev. D. L. Whitman, President of Colby University. THE AFTERNOON SESSION. Dr. F. A, Noble, of Chicago, in the Chair. The Persistence of Bible Orthodoxy ; by Prof. Luther F. TowNSEND, of Boston. The History and Tenets of the Jains of India; by Virchand A. Gandhi, Bombay. Mr. Gandhi prefaced his paper 'with remarks in reference to the allegations of the previous day against the morality of the Hindu religions. He said : I am glad that no one has dared to attack the religion I represent. It is well they should not. But every attack has been directed to the abuses existing in our society. And I repeat now, what I repeat every day, that these abuses are not from religion but in spite of religion, as in every other country. Some men in their ambition think that they are Pauls, and what they think they believe, and where should these new Pauls go to vent their platitudes but India? Yes, sir, they go to India to convert the heathen in a mass, but when they find their dreams melting away, as dreams always do, they return back to pass a whole life in abusing the Hindu. Abuses are not arguments against any religion, nor self-adulation the proof of the