Page:The World's Parliament of Religions Vol 1.djvu/178

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150 HISTORY OF THE PARLIAMENT. religion of the world are certainly greater than those of any other nation, and I have great pleasure in introducing Dr. Hirsch to this Parliament. Elements of Universal Religion; by Dr. E. G. Hirsch. Swedenborg and the Harmony of Religions; by Rev. L. P. Mercer. The World's Salvation; by Rev. John Duke McFadden. The Only Possible Method of Christian Unification; by Rev. William R. Alger, of Boston. Christianity and Evolution; by Prof. Henry Drummond, read by Rev. Frank M. Bristol. AFTERNOON SESSION. The Hall of Columbus was not adequate for the throngs who sought admission. Dr. Barrows presided. The chairman read the following poem contributed by Laura Ormiston Chant : THE WORLD'S PARLIAMENT. "i!% haih made of one all nations of the earth P The New World's call hath summoned men to prayer : And swift across the ocean's path of foam, Along the mountain-tracks, or desert's glare, Or down the old-world valleys, they have come, O golden, olden East ! Right welcome to the feast. The New World welcomes you In the most holy name of God, The New World welcomes you. The New World's call hath summoned men to prayer: All Christendom hath felt her great heart beat. And Europe's messengers from everywhere Still wake the echoes with their coming feet. O, Mussluman and Greek ! The glad New World doth seek With Christian and with Jew, In the most holy name of God, To love and welcome you. The New World's call hath summoned men to pr i)'er : And Africa hath heard the call and cried To her most noble sons to haste and share The brotherhood of worship side by side. O, heirs of Liberty ! Dear negro brothers, ye. At last at one with you. In the most holy name of God, The New World welcomes you.