Page:The World's Parliament of Religions Vol 1.djvu/185

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THE CLOSE OF THE PARLIAMENT. 157 Chicago, including prominent Christian and Jewish ministers, extended cordial hospitalities in their homes and churches to the men of the Orient, and to the representatives of various faiths, who were made to feel the warmth, courtesy and pleasure of a true American welcome. It was with a sort of pathetic eagerness that the friends of the Parliament looked forward to its closing session. All RESIDENCE OF MR. A. C. BARTLETT, OF CHICAGO, WHERE THE RECEPTION WAS GIVEN TO THE MEMBERS OF THE PARLIAMENT, SEPTEMBER IITH. anticipated a renewal of the thrilling and hitherto unparalleled scenes of the opening day, but besides all this was the antici- pated sorrow of spoken farewells. It will 'be impossible to describe, and adequately interpret to those who were not there, the great meetings with which the Parliament concluded. The final gathering was altogether worthy of what has been deemed the most significant and important conference ever held. More than seven thousand persons were crowded into