Page:The World's Parliament of Religions Vol 1.djvu/233

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SYSTEMS OF RELIGION. 205 expounded Buddha's law of cause and effect. The services of Buddha to mankind were recounted by H. Dharmapala on the eighth day; Buddha's place in the system by Rev. Z. Ashitsu on the eleventh day ; and the benefit to Japan of Buddhism by H. Toki on the sixteenth day. On the same day H. Dharma- pala treated of Buddhism in comparison with Christianity ; and Shaku Soyen applied it to promotion of universal peace. The system of the Zhikko sect of Shintoism was expounded in a third-day paper by Rev. Reuchi Shibata. The Parsee system was the subject, on the third day, of a paper by J. J. Modi ; and was again treated at length in a special essay sent from Bombay by E. S. D. Bharucha, The Confucian system was set forth on the third day by Pung Kwang Yu, and again on the fifth day in a prize essay by Kung Hsien Ho, and in a paper by Dr. Ernest Faber. Some account of Chinese worship was given by Prof. Isaac T. Head- land on the tenth day, and on the thirteenth day Dr. W. A. P. Martin presented America's duty to China. The Mohammedan system was dealt with on the fifth day by Dr. George Washburn, in respect especially of its points of contact or of contrast with Christianity ; and was expounded by Mohammed Webb on the tenth day, and again on the eleventh. The teachings of the Koran were reviewed on the thirteenth day by J. S. A. Naddara. The Hebrew system was dealt with on the second day by Dr. Isaac M. Wise ; on the third day by Dr. K. Kohler ; on the fourth day by Rabbi H. P. Mendes ; and on the sixth day by Rabbi G. Gottheil, by Dr. A. Kohut, and by Miss Lazarus. On the eighth day, Professor D. G. Lyon spoke on the con- tributions of Judaism to civilization ; on the tenth day, Miss H. Szold treated of woman and Judaism ; and on the thir- teenth day Rabbi H. Berkowitz of social questions under Judaism. The Christian system in respect of God was expounded on the second day by Dr. A. F. Hewitt, Dr. A. W. Momerie, and Mr. W. T. Harris; and in respect of man, on the third day, by Dr. Wm. Byrne. Greek Christianity was treated also on the