Page:The World's Parliament of Religions Vol 1.djvu/59

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O how grand it will be when men from east and west, north and south, meet together admitting the universal truth of the Fatherhood of God! And let us hope that many will be led to the higher and most blessed truth as it is in Jesus. One thing is as certain as that the hot sun is shining over us this warm day, and that is, if there is any remedy to raise fallen man it is in the love of Jesus. The very best of education and civilization lies in this grand secret, love; and " God is love."

Readers of Rev. M. L. Gordon's delightful book," An Amer- ican Missionary in Japan," will remember the thrilling chapter on the revival in Captain Janes's school, and the account of the young men who were then brought to Christ, and whose Christian devotion and apostolic labors have already affected the history of the" Sunrise Kingdom." Many of these, Yokoi, Ebina, Miyagawa, Ichihara and others, became members of the Advisory Council on the Parliament of Religions, and wrote of their earnest gratitude that such a congress was to be held,