Page:The World's Parliament of Religions Vol 1.djvu/81

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labor. Talking with that veteran rnissionary, Dr. Legge, four years ago, at Oxford, I remarked to him that he would of course attend the Mission Congress then sitting at London. I was almost startled when he answered that he could not go to a meeting where he would be compelled to listen to a continual violation of the Ninth Commandment against those who would have no opportunity of defending themselves. It is no impeachment of


the honesty or integrity of our missionaries, that we recognize the many influences that combine to affect the value of their testimony. We need to apply to this subject the apostolic maxim, " Look not every man upon his own things, but every man upon the things of others." Perhaps you might find no better motto to express the purpose of the Parliament.

Rev. J. Madsen, of Denmark, editor of the Morgenstjernen (Morning Star), the magazine of the Free Missions of Den- mark, wrote:

This movement is doubly dear to me ; it is just what we are longing and sighing and working for here in Denmark, that the spirit of brother- hood in men of diverse faiths may be deepened, and that all may be one in Christ.