Page:The Writings of Prosper Merimee-Volume 2.djvu/176

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the garden, and at a shrill whistle the door of the room flew open as though by magic.

"Signer Barrieini," said Orso, and suppressed fury vibrated in his voice, " I hold you to be a forger ! This very day I shall charge you before the public prosecutor with forgery and compHcity with Bianchi. I may perhaps have a still more terrible accusation to bring against you! "

"And I, Signor della Rebbia," replied the mayor, "shall lay my charge against you for conspiracy and comphcity with bandits. Meanwhile the prefect will desire the gendarmes to keep an eye upon you."

"The prefect will do his duty," said that gentleman sternly. "He will see the public order is not disturbed at Pietranera; he will take care justice is done. I say this to you all, gentlemen! "

The mayor and Vincentello were outside the room already, and Orlanduccio was following them, stepping backward, when Orso said to him in an undertone:

"Your father is an old man. One cuff from me would kill him. It is with you and with your brother that I intend to deal."

Orlanduccio's only response was to draw his dagger and fly like a madman at Orso. But before he could use his weapon Colomba caught