Page:The Yellow Book - 05.djvu/145

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By Leila Macdonald
What have I done that I should die, who never meant to wrong?
At best our life is all we have, and cannot last for long.
What have I done that I should die, who never meant to wrong?

Life seems so full of joys to me, now that death comes so near;
I would I had been more content, and had kept better cheer.
Life seems so full of joys to me, now that death comes so near.

If only some one will recall my memory and my name;
I do so fear they may forget even my very shame.
If only some one will recall my memory and my name.

Perchance a girl may weep to see them lead me out to die,
May cross herself, and whisper, "God, he is as young as I."
Perchance a girl may weep to see them lead me out to die.