Page:The Yellow Book - 08.djvu/285

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By H. G. Wells

"Suppose so! Of course it must be revised. And I don't see how I can conscientiously pass you."

"Not pass me!" said Hill. "Fail me!"

"It's the rule in all examinations. Or where should we be? What else did you expect? You don't want to shirk the consequences of your own acts?"

"I thought, perhaps," said Hill. And then, "Fail me! I thought as I told you, you would simply deduct the marks given for that slip———"

"Impossible!" said Bindon. "Besides, it would still leave you above Wedderburn. Deduct only the marks—Preposterous! The Departmental Regulations distinctly say———"

"But it's my own admission, sir."

"The Regulations say nothing whatever of the manner in which the matter comes to light. They simply provide———"

"It will ruin me. If I fail this examination, they won't renew my scholarship."

"You should have thought of that before."

"But, sir, consider all my circumstances———"

"I cannot consider anything. Professors in this college are machines. The Regulations will not even let us recommend our students for appointments. I am a machine, and you have worked me. I have to do———"

"It's very hard, sir."

"Possibly it is."

"If I am to be failed this examination I might as well go home at once."

"That is as you think proper." Bindon's voice softened a little; he perceived he had been unjust, and, provided he did not contradict himself, he was disposed to amelioration. "As a private person," he said, "I think this confession of yours goes far tomitigate