Page:The Zoologist, 3rd series, vol 1 (1877).djvu/228

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Cuckoo. Cuculus canorus.—First heard at Jerkin, May 27th; a few remained about Fokstuen till our departure.

Swallow. Hirundo rustica.—One seen at Drivstuen on May 25th; the first and only one north of the Dovrefjeld.

Martin. Chelidon urbica.—None seen till we arrived at Jerkin, where on May 27lh they commenced to build. On the 28th, when we arrived at Fokstuen, they were also building under the eaves of the station-house, but there were no eggs at the date of our departure.

Capercaillie. Tetrao urogallus.—Wandering about on May 18th, at Grut, without the guns, we came across the only ones we saw, a male and two females, perched in a thick clump of pines; there was a tremendous clatter when they took to flight.

Black Grouse. Tetrao tetrax.—Never saw but one, and that a male, near Nervig, on May 15th.

Common Ptarmigan. Lagopus mutus.—Very few seen, compared with that next described. The last was shot at Fokstuen, May 29th, a male, the birch-wood being still deep with snow.

Willow Ptarmigan. Lagopus albus.—Very numerous in the Fokstuen valley, though none were observed till our arrival there. The first was shot May 29th, and all killed after this were in full breeding plumage, except a male on June 7th, which had a still white breast, and a number of while feathers on its back. A nest of six eggs was brought in by a boy on the 14th.

Golden Plover. Charadrius pluvialis.—A flock of about forty seen at Drivstuen, May 22nd, and very numerous about Jerkin on the 26th, all with full black breasts. The second week in June there were several pairs on the hills about Fokstuen, nesting, without doubt, but we had no time to spare for them.

Dotterel. Endromias morinellus.—There were not many flocks of Golden Plover at Jerkin and Fokstuen but had one or more Dotterel among them, and they could be seen any day on the enclosed land near the station-houses. A single pair were seen together on May 30th, between the latter place and Dombaas, but we had other birds then to look after.

Ringed Plover. Ægialitis hiaticula.—Numerous at Nervig, on the links at the mouth of the Orkla, in full breeding plumage, but not seen after our departure thence on May 17th.

Oyster-catcher. Hæmatopus ostralegus.—The remarks on the species last described might be re-written for this.