Page:The Zoologist, 3rd series, vol 2 (1878).djvu/314

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East Suffolk. — In accordance with the suggestion of the Editor, I venture to send a list of the provincial names of some of the more common animals in East Suffolk. It may be interesting to compare this list with that sent by Mr. Little from the extreme west of the country. Except in the case of the Greenfinch, scarcely two will be found precisely similar.

Missel Thrush and Fieldfare. Felfit.
Song Thrush. Mavis.
Spotted Flycatcher. Wall-bird.
Whitethroat. Hay-jack.
Meadow and Rock Pipit. Titlark.
Chaffinch. Spink.
Greenfinch. Green Linnet.
Goldfinch. King Harry.
Bullfinch. Olp.
Wryneck. Cuckoo's Mate.
Nightjar. Dor-hawk.

Peewit. Horn-pie. Heron. Harnser. Whinibrel. Brame. Stoat. Weasel. Weasel, male. White-throat. Weasel, female. Mouse-hunt. Shrew. Manny. Frog. Fresher or Freshey. Newt. Swift.

No difference, as a rule, is recognised between the Missel Thrush and Fieldfare, both being included under the name of "Felfit." The word "Puttock" still exists here as a surname, although neither Kite nor Buzzard is known except as an occa- sional visitor. All our larger hawks and very many more of out- most beautiful and interesting birds and animals are here perse- cuted with the utmost rigour, and are fast disappearing altogether. The Magpie is becoming quite a rare bird here, and how the Kestrel still manages to maintain a footing it is difficult to under- stand. The Pheasant reigns supreme, and everything has to give place to this game-bird. — G.T. Rope (Blaxhall, Wickham Market).

Nottinghamshire. — Seeing in the June number of 'The Zoologist' that you express a wish that some of the readers would send lists of the provincial names of birds, I enclose the following, all of which 1 have heard used, most of them com- monly.— J. Whitaker (Rain worth Lodge, Mansfield, Notts.)

Missel Thrush. Sycock. Yellowhainmer. Goldie. Chaffinch. Spink. Goldfinch. Proud Tailor. Pied Wagtail. Nanny Wagtail. Common Wren. Jin tic. Willow Wren. Sweet Billy. Redstart. Fire-tail. Black-headed Bunting. Meed Spar Tow,

Whitethroat. Peggy. Marsh Tit. Black-cap. Blue Tit. Tom-til. Long-tailed Tit. Bumbarrel. Whinchat. Utick. Heron. Heronshaw. Magpie. Ninut. Woodpecker. Nickerpecker. Corn Crake. Meadow Drake,