Page:The Zoologist, 4th series, vol 1 (1897).djvu/568

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bird-calls would prevent the recurrence of a similar experience. Acting on this idea, I have now collected from the works of Messrs. Bechstein, Dixon, Kearny, Morris, Robinson, Swann, and Dr. Emerson the call of two hundred birds, or rather more than half of those which are accepted as British. I am very desirous that my list should be as complete and perfect as possible, and shall greatly esteem any co-operation which you can give me; either in checking calls already recorded, or supplying those of other birds, more particularly of any bird or birds which you may have had favourable opportunities of observing.

"You will doubtless note that I have frequently retained two or more spellings of a single call. This appears to be unavoidable, as our language is not phonetic, and many bird-calls may be spelt in different ways with equal approximation to correctness. I have also retained some very free renderings of calls which approximate to English sentences. Although the call-bird portion is complete as far as I have the materials, I have as yet only had the first page set up. If my appeal for co-operation meets with the response for which I hope, I shall at once finish the compilation, and see it through the press."