Page:The Zoologist, 4th series, vol 2 (1898).djvu/346

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Colletes americana, Cr., Colletes sp. ♂ (new to me), Agapostemon sp., ♂, and Calliopsis n. sp. near coloradensis. Also by the butterfly Pyrameis cardui and the syrphid fly Chrysogaster bellula, Williston.

It is thus seen that the visitors observed at these two Compositæ were entirely different.

Las Cruces, N.M., Sept., Oct., 1895.

The following collections of autumnal bees have not heretofore been reported:—

(1). Verbesina encelioides; Oct. 9th, visited by a ♀ Pseudopanurgus æthiops (Cr.).
(2). Aster hesperius, Gray; Oct. 4th, seemed little attractive to bees: visited only by Agepostemon melliventris (Cr.), ♂, and a ♂ Halictus.
(3). Baileya multiradiata; Oct. 23rd, visited by Parandrena rhodocerata (Ckll.).
(4). Helianthus annuus; Sept. 21st, visited by Panurginus perlævis (Ckll.), Halictoides marginatus (Cr.), in great numbers, Andrena pulchella, Rob., Melissodes agilis, Cr., and Podalirius maculifrons (Cr.).

It is curious that the sunflower Andrena at Las Cruces should be A. pulchella, while that at Albuqerque is A. helianthi.

Las Cruces, N.M., Aug. 23rd, 1897.

In the Larrea zone close to Las Cruces the following were collected by Prof. C. H. T. Townsend and the writer from flowers of Cevallia sinuata, Lag. (Loasaceæ):—

Melissodes luteicornis, Ckll., ♂, Centris cæsalpiniæ, Ckll., ♂, Podalirius californicus, Gr., ♂, Anthidium maculifrons, Sm., ♂, Bombus near fervidus, prob. n. sp.

Mesilla, N.M., Aug. 21st, 1897.

The flowers of Martynia sp. were observed to be visited by Podalirius vallorum, Ckll., ♀. On Aug. 19th, at Mesilla Park, P. vallorum ♂ was visiting a cultivated Chilopsis. The two species of flowers mentioned, though of quite different affinities, are not dissimilar in colour and form.

Mesilla, N.M.