Page:The Zoologist, 4th series, vol 2 (1898).djvu/560

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Indian Wild Cattle: the Tsine and the Gaur (miscalled Bison), Colonel Pollok, 1.

The Voice-Registers of Birds, Charles A. Witchell, 11.

Stridulation in some African Spiders (illustrated), R.I. Pocock, 14.

Notes and Queries:

Mammalia.—Polecat in Suffolk, Rev. Julian G. Tuck, M.A., 22. The Indian Hispid Hare (Lepus hispidus), F.T. Pollok, 22.
Aves.—Pale-coloured Dipper, Wm. Boulsover, 23. Experiments on the Colours of the Nonpareil Finch, Graham Renshaw, 23. Brood of Young Starlings in mid-November, F. Coburn, 24. Common Roller in Sussex, George W. Bradshaw, 24. Montagu's Harrier breeding in Ireland. Correction, John H. Teesdale, 24. Nesting of the Hobby in Hants, C.B. Horsbrugh, 24. Brent Goose in Warwickshire, 24 ; Ferruginous Duck in Ireland, 25 ; Corncrake in December, 25 ; F. Coburn. Pectoral Sandpiper in Norfolk, J.L. Newman, 25. Variety of Common Guillemot, J. Morley, 25. On the reported Summer Appearance of two Species of Birds in Lapland, R. Collett, 25. Winter Notes from Haddiscoe, Last C. Farman, 26. Popular Ornithological Fallacies, H.S. Davenport, 27.
Pisces.—Notes from Scarborough, W.J. Clarke, 28.
Insecta.—Spider versus Wasp, Guy A.K. Marshall, 29.

Notices of New Books, 32–38.

Editorial Gleanings, 39–48.

Subscriptions to 'The Zoologist' for 1898 (12s. post free) are now due, and may be sent to the Publishers, West, Newman & Co., 54, Hatton Garden, London. Payment is preferred in uncrossed Postal Orders.

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