Page:The Zoologist, 4th series, vol 3 (1899).djvu/20

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Mice of St. Kilda, 191

Microgaster, 454

Migrants in Aberdeen (1899), 271; spring, in Yorkshire, 323

Migrations, early spring, 193

Milport, Maine, Biological Station, 238

Milvus ictinus, 242, 244, 245, 246, 247; Korschun, 241; migrans, 241, 244, 247; milano, 241

Mimicry, 289, 341, 443, 529

Misocalius osculans, 140

Monitor, Cape, 226, 272; correction, 421

Montagu, Col. George, 378

Moor-hen, nesting habits, 30, 31, 81, 82, 557; eggs and nest of, 182

Mosquitoes, how to collect, 428

Motacilla alba, 61, 157, 162, 418; borealis, 61; flava, 157, 267; lugubris, 86, 268, 271; melanope, 162, 271; raii, 286

Mouse, Long-tailed Field, climbing powers of, 27

Müller, Johannes, monument to, zoological sketches of, 560

Mungoose, Thick-tailed, habits of, in South Africa, 179

Mus sylvaticus, 27

Muscicapa atricapilla, 60, 134; grisola, 60, 85, 162, 369, 556

Museum Reports, &c:—

Birmingham Nat. Hist. Collection, 236
Chicago Academy of Sciences, 382
Essex Local and Educational Mus. of Nat. Hist., 288
London School Board, 240
Robertson Museum, 238

Mussels of Mississippi River, 480

Mustela erminea, 79, 131, 179; putorius, 79; vison, 305

Mycteris longicarpus, 412

Mylodon, supposed existing, 380

Myotis daubentoni, 472; mystacinus, 49, 131, 471, 475

Myxicola, 457

Myxine, 350

Myzomela nigra, 141

Natal, zoological notes from (with Plate), 145

Nautilograpsus minutus, 536

Nemathelminthes, 348

Nephila, 414

Neptunus pelagicus, 432

Nest, strange, of South African Pied Bush Shrike, 80; of Titlark with Toad in, 87; of male Blackbird with stored seeds, 181; of Moor-hen, 182; of Red-backed Shrike with eggs of Cuckoo, 222, 323; of Thrush piled up with ivy-berries, 320

Nesting of Goshawk in Yorkshire, 28; habits of Moor-hen, 30, 31, 81, 82, 557; of Short-eared Owl, 121; of Mistle-Thrush, 180; birds, covering of eggs by, 183; of Common Snipe near London, 225; of Black Kite in Verona, 241; of Starlings in fir trees, 370; sites, abnormal, of Willow Wren, 555; of Tree Creeper in roof, 556; place, abnormal, of Spotted Flycatcher, 556

Nestor notabilis, 307

Nests of Short-eared Owl, 421

Niagara Falls, loss of avian life, 44

Nicotiana tabacum, 348

Nightjar in Malta, 256; time of arrival, 369; Red-necked, in Malta, 255

Nightjars, diary of habits, 388, 406

Nisus sphenurus, 351

Norfolk, ornithological record from (1898), 113; destruction of birds, 114, 183

Norway, Northern, ornithological notes from, 54

Numenius arquata, 65, 74, 271, 419; phæopus, 65, 74

Nycticorax ardeola, 247; caledonicus, 140


Baur, Georg Hermann Carl Ludwig, 95
Bonheur, Rosa, 281
Büchner, Prof. Ludwig, 280
Cordeaux, John, 384, 415
Everett, Alfred Hart, 96
Flower, Sir William Henry, K.C.B., F.R.S., 337
Hewetson, Henry Hendelack, 280
McCoy, Prof. Sir F., 280
Marsh, Prof. O.C, 234
Nicholson, Prof. Alleyne, 95
Stark, A.C, Dr., 559
Stevens, Samuel, 479
Sykes, Christopher, 47
Whitehead, John, 382
Wolf, Joseph, 234

Ocypoda cordimana, 408

Oddi ornithological collection, 432

Œdemia nigra, 30, 80, 557

Œdicnemus crepitans, 545

Ophiderpeton, 301