Page:The Zoologist, 4th series, vol 4 (1900).djvu/10

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Dobie, W. Henry

The Little Owl in North Wales (?), 556

Elliott, J. Steele-

Lesser Shrew in Worcestershire, 142; Nesting of the Great Tit (Parus major), 423; Nesting of the Common Sparrow (Passer domesticus), 424; Nesting habits of the Starling (Sturnus vulgaris), 425; Some notes on the Swift (Cypselus apus), 479

Farman, Last

Winter notes from Haddiscoe, 83

Fitch, Edward A., F.L.S., F.E.S.

The Lesser Rorqual in the Essex Blackwater, 517

Forrest, H.E.

The movements of Starlings, 131, 479; Curious variety of the Mole, 142; Great Tit nesting in active Bee-hive, 143; Nesting of the Hobby in Shropshire, 143, 382; Sea-Lamprey at Shrewsbury, 144; Lesser Shrew in Shropshire, 186; Little Crake in Shropshire, 280; The Little Owl in Flintshire?, 482; Vertebrate Fauna of North Wales, 485; Breeding of the Tutted Duck (Fuligula cristata) in Shropshire, 506

Fowler, W. Warde, M.A.

Lateness in appearance of the summer migrants, 238

Fox, W. Storrs, M.A., F.Z.S.

The Ring-Ouzel in Derbyshire, 1

Frohawk, F.W.

Little Gull (Larus minutus) on the Thames, 83

Gaythorpe, Harper

Strange hibernating quarters for Vanessa io and V. urticæ, 559 Grabham, Oxley, M.A., M.B.O.U. Varieties of the Mole, 186; Water Shrews, 186; Natural History notes from Yorkshire for 1899, 229; Number of eggs in nest of Swift, 520

Grant, C.H.B.

Water Shrews taken three miles from water, 142

Gurney, J.H., F.L.S., F.Z.S.

Ornithological Notes from Norfolk for 1899, 97; A short history of the Bearded Titmouse, 358

Haigh, G.H. Caton

Bird notes from North-east Lincolnshire during the autumn migration of 1899, 201

Hall, H.S.

Nesting of the Marsh-Warbler in Wiltshire, 555

Hall, Robert

Sea-Elephants on Kerguelen's Land, 441

Horsbrugh, Charles B.

Mistle-Thrush laying twice in the same nest. 422; Gannet in Somersetshire, 557

Howard, H.E.

Unusual numbers of Green Plover in Worcestershire, 187; Variations in the notes and songs of birds in different districts, 382

Howard, R.J.

Wild Cat, 555

Jones, Surgeon K. Hurlstone, M.B., R.N.,F.L.S

Land birds at sea, 51; Ornithological notes from South-Western Europe, 448

Jourdain, Francis C.R.

Rough notes on Derbyshire Ornithology (1899-1900), 428

Kew, Wallis H.

Spinning Molluscs, 289

Langdale, H. Marmaduke

Molluscs eaten by Wood-Pigeons, 484

Leighton, Gerald, M.B.

The Adder-swallowing theory from an anatomical point of view, 393; British Snakes, 560

Lewis, Stanley

Serrated claws of the Common Heron, 38; Mistle-Thrush attacking Squirrel, 321

Lydekker, R., F.R.S., F.G.S., F.Z.S.

Specimens of Harvest-Mouse and British Bats wanted for the National Museum, 321

Macpherson, Rev. H.A., M.A.

The Bearded Tit—a correction corrected, 478; Is the Siskin an autumn and winter songster?, 555; The names of British Birds, 558

Marchant, Spencer H. Le

Curlew nesting in Surrey, 382

Marshall, Guy A.K., F.Z.S.

"Assimilative Colouration," 327; Conscious Protective Resemblance, 536

Martin, Basil W.

Red-billed Chough near Hendon, 82; Cuckoo breeding in London District, 481