Page:The Zoologist, 4th series, vol 4 (1900).djvu/17

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Surrey—Water Shrew, 142; Great Spotted Woodpecker, 322; Curlew, 382; Cuckoo's egg in Song Thrush's nest, 520; Mammalia, 559
Sussex—Black Redstart, 37; Chiffchaff, 143; Water-Pipit, 278; Melodious Warbler, 518
Wales—Notes 76; Kite, 76, 79; Nuthatch, 78; Hoopoe, 82; Great Plover, 173, 270, 458; tameness of unmolested birds, 280; Little Owl, 482, 556; Vertebrate Fauna of North Wales, 485; Birds of Lleyn, 489; Jack Snipe 557
Wiltshire—Marsh Warbler, 555
Worcestershire—Lesser Shrew, 142; Great Tit, 423; Sea-Lamprey, 144; Green Plover, 187; Common Sparrow, 424; Starling, 425; Swift, 479; Great Spotted Woodpecker, 278
Yorkshire—Bittern, 83; Water Shrew, 186; notes, 229, 432; Black-headed Gull, 231; Lesser Tern, 232; Red-crested Pochard, 483; Stone Curlew, 483; Levantine Shearwater, 521

Crab, Edible, meristic variation in, 484

Crabs, mimicry and other habits of, 287

Crake, Little, in Shropshire, 280

Crambessa, 346

Crateropus bicolor, 122

Creeper, Wall, on the Rigi, 269

Crex pratensis, 29, 210, 535

Crossbill, Common, in confinement, 114; at Shrewsbury, 321

Crow, Carrion, on the Rigi, 268

Cuckoo in Redstart's nest, 13; in Robin's, 13; with egg in its mouth, 105, 106; how does she carry the egg?, 262,—fig., 264; breeding in London district, 438, 439, 481; in the Shetlands, 426; in Aberdeen, 481

Cuculus canorus, 13, 20, 105, 106, 208, 262, 231, 410, 426, 433, 438, 439, 454, 481

Curculionidæ, 347

Curlew nesting in Surrey, 382; at sea, 483; Stone, in Cleveland in winter, 483

Cyanecula suecica, 203, 398

Cyclochila australasiæ, 347

Cyclograpsus lavauxi, 348

Cyclophoridæ, 305

Cyclostoma, 306, 307, 308; articulatum, 37; voltzianum, 305

Cyclostomatidæ, 306

Cygnus bewicki, 39, 529; commutabilis, 530; musicus, 529

Cypræa europæa, 316

Cypræidæ, 316

Cypridina, 356

Cypris, 357

Cypselus apus, 52, 208, 224, 269, 321, 408, 453, 479, 520, 556; melba, 224, 409, 453

Dafila acuta, 531

Darwin's 'Origin of Species,' cheap edition, 390

Daulias luscinia, 53, 398, 450

Decoy, agreement for hiring a, 160

Dendrocopus major, 278, 322, 409, 433; minor, 322, 409, 433

Dendrocycna eytoni, 419

Derbyshire Ornithology, rough notes on, 428

Dermacentor reticulatus, 326

Diary, Observational, of habits of Great Plover, 173, 270, 458

Diatomaceæ, 350

Diomedea exulans, 288; melanophrys, 324

Discomedusæ, 346

Discophoræ, 354

Dismorphia, 553

Dog and Fox hybrid, 477

Dorididæ, 302

Dotterel in Derbyshire, 429

Doves, hybrid, 281

Dreissensia polymorpha, 343

Drilus, 305

Duck, Tufted, breeding in Shropshire, 506

Echinus, 342; esculentus, 342

Ecuador, a naturalist's notes in, 93

Eel, an extinct, in the English Chalk, 198

Egg of Cuckoo in Marsh-Warbler's nest, 20,—in Hedge-Sparrow's, 231,—in Song-Thrush's, 520; of Æpyornis maximus, 48; of Aylesbury Duck, unusually large, 107

Eggs, hard-set, a suggestion, 189; of Great Auk, sale, 343; number of, in nest of Swift, 520, 556

Elephant, African, large tusks of, 47; Sea, on Kergueeln's Land, 441,— disturbed rest, fig., 444