Page:The Zoologist, 4th series, vol 4 (1900).djvu/231

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On 30th many cocks, old and young, but females were more numerous than on previous days. On Nov. 3rd swarms of Blackbirds, almost all females. Nov. 7th, again many young males, and on 10th young cocks abundant, with a few old cocks and hens. On the whole I believe the passage of Blackbirds was heavier than usual.

Saxicola œnanthe (Linn.). Wheatear.—Wheatears appeared very early, and I saw many along the sea-bank on July 29th. I saw no more until Aug. 23rd, when one or two appeared. On Sept. 1st and 2nd they were very numerous, and again on 15th. On Oct. 4th I noticed a single bird on the sea-bank, and on 5th three more stragglers appeared.

Pratincola rubetra (Linn.). Whinchat.—Numerous on turnip fields near the coast on Sept. 1st. On Sept. 11th and 20th, one seen each day.

P. rubicola (Linn.). Stonechat.—A single bird—a female—on a hedge in Thoresby Field on Sept. 25th.

Ruticilla phœnicurus (Linn.). Redstart.—A single bird near the coast on Sept. 13th. On Oct. 4th and 5th a good many in company with Redwings, Pied Flycatchers, Wrens, and many other small birds. This is an unusually late date for the passage of the Redstart.

Cyanecula suecica (Linn.). Arctic Bluethroat.—On Oct. 4th I shot a young female of this species near the sea-bank in the parish of Marshchapel. It is seven years since I last saw a Bluethroat on this coast.

Erithacus rubecula (Linn.). Robin.—A few Robins came in on Sept. 9th, but the first important immigration took place on Oct. 4th, and a somewhat smaller one between Oct. 17th and 21st, while a few stragglers remained until the 27th.

Sylvia cinerea (Bechst.). Whitethroat.—Many Whitethroats appeared on Aug. 23rd, with Hedge-Sparrows and Willow Wrens. Aug. 28th, several in the hedges, and from this date until Sept. 9th a few were always present; while on Oct. 4th I shot a single straggler.

S. curruca (Linn.). Lesser Whitethroat.—Always a scarce bird on migration. I shot one near the coast on Sept. 14th, and a second on Oct. 4th.

S. hortensis (Bechst.). Garden-Warbler.—I shot one on