Page:The Zoologist, 4th series, vol 4 (1900).djvu/238

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Mareca penelope (Linn.). Wigeon.—One shot at Tetney on Sept. 1st.

Columba œnas, Linn. Stock-Dove.—Two small flocks at Grainsby on Nov. 4th and 5th. On 7th I shot a young bird close to the sea-bank at Tetney, and on Dec. 30th I shot four out of a flock of about one hundred of these little Pigeons.

Turtur communis, Selby. Turtle-Dove.—I shot a young Turtle-Dove from a hedge near the sea at North Cotes on Sept. 29th.

Crex pratensis, Bechst. Corn-Crake.—Last saw one in a turnip field at Cadeby on Oct. 11th.

Porzana maruetta (Leach). Spotted Crake.—On Oct. 4th I shot a Spotted Crake at Tetney.

Rallus aquaticus, Linn. Water-Rail.—First appeared near the coast on Oct. 27th, when I shot one at Tetney.

Charadrius pluvialis, Linn. Golden Plover.—On Oct. 4th I shot a couple of young birds—the first seen on North Cotes sands. Oct. 5th, several flocks of forty or fifty birds each on the sands. Very abundant on Oct. 9th; many flocks of from fifty to several hundred birds each on the sands and land near the sea. Again on 21st and 30th great numbers on the coast. On the latter day I killed eight out of one of the flocks, and found both old and young birds among them.

Squatarola helvetica (Linn.). Grey Plover.—A few on the coast on Sept. 2nd. On 14th a good many, all adults in full breeding dress. On Oct. 13th a great immigration of young birds all along the coast.

Vanellus vulgaris, Bechst. Peewit.—Very little visible migration, and Peewits appear less numerous in the district than usual. Small parties going west on Oct. 9th until about 2.30 p.m.; some large flocks on the coast with Golden Plover on the same day. Again, on Nov. 10th many flocks coming in, and going to north-west. On Dec. 11th—the second day of the hard weather—the gamekeepers reported large flocks of Peewits going south over Grainsby.

Strepsilas interpres (Linn.). Turnstone.—A couple of young birds on North Cotes sands on Sept. 13th.

Hæmatopus ostralegus, Linn. Seapie.—A large flock appeared on Tetney Sands on Sept. 2nd.