Page:The Zoologist, 4th series, vol 6 (1902).djvu/15

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Aberdeen, notes from, 197

Aberrancies, piscine, 78

Acanthis cannabina, 422; linaria, 270

Accentor modularis, 13, 124, 422

Accipiter cirrhocephalus, 431; nisus, 128, 215, 422; virgatus, 215

Acridotheres cristatellus, 249, 250; ginginianus, 205; tristis, 204

Acrocephalus dumetorum, 203; palustris, 23; phragmitis, 13, 59, 124; streperus, 59, 226

Addax nasomaculatus, 363

Ægialitis alexandrina, 387; cantiana, 62; dubia, 387; hiaticula, 28, 62, 275, 308, 316, 374, 424; mongolica, 387

Ægithina tiphia, 202

Æsalon chicquera, 215

Æthiospar fuscus, 205

Aex galericulata, 72; sponsa, 72

Agama sp., 393

Alario alario, 248

Alauda arvensis, 60, 127, 197, 422; gulgula, 208

Alca torda, 16, 422

Alcedo ispida, 27, 68, 127, 149, 210, 228, 422

Amadina, 244; fasciata, 251

Amaurornis phœnicurus, 386

Ampelis garrulus, 25, 113, 227

Amydrus morio, 190

Anas boscas, 61, 128, 195, 451; pœcilorhyncha, 451; strepera, 112

Anastomus oscitans, 450

Anglesea, birds of, 401

Animal blood-relationship, 38; sense perceptions, 161, 392, 394

Animals, dumb, panic of, previous to eruption at Martinique, &c., 237; Vertebrate, of Oxfordshire, 440

Anser albifrons, 337; brachyrhynchus, 128; cinereus, 306; erythropus, 273, 337; gambeli, specific validity of and position as a British bird, 337; indicus, 451, paludosus, 421,—fig., 425; segetum, 306

Antelope, Addax, Brindled Gnu, Eland, and Roan, in confinement, 363, 364

Antennæ of Coccidæ, 437

Anthropoides virgo, 386

Anthus cervinus, 25, 269, 313; maculatus, 207; obscurus, 13, 125, 422; pratensis, 13, 60, 125, 269; rufulus, 208; spipoletta, 465; trivialis, 112

Antlers and horns, evolution of, 158

Apis mellifica, 221

Aquila chrysaëtus, 150, 425; hastata, 213

Arachnechthra asiatica, 208

Ardea cinerea, 61, 128, 422, 450; manillensis, 450

Ardeola grayi, 450

Ardetta cinnamomea, 450; minuta, 305; sinensis, 450

Argya caudata, 202

Arvicola amphibius, 66, 111

Asio accipitrinus, 128, 213; otus, 113, 128, 229, 435

Astur badius, 215

Athene brama, 212; noctua, 112

Australia, collecting in, 152; Green Frog of, 158; spiders of, 152; protective coloration of birds and their nests, 139

Avicola amphibius, 232

Avicultural notes, 99; experiences of birds in captivity, 241

Bardsey Island and Lleyn, birds of, 8, 107, 108

Batis molitor, 189

Bee, constancy of, 220

Bengal, birds of, collected and observed in the Darbhanga District, Tirhoot, 201, 384, 449

Bernicla leucopsis, 306, 426

Biological Suggestions — animal sense perceptions, 161

Birds of Bardsey Island and Lleyn, 8, 107, 108; rare in Surrey, 32; of Isle of Man, 32; British, statistics relating to, 55,—Mr. F. Coburn's collection of, 118; of Dungeness, 59; pairing manœuvres of, 71; migration of, 121, 233; of the Transvaal, 189; Australian, protective coloration of, 199; of the Darbhanga District, Tirhoot, Bengal, 201, 384, 449; in captivity,