Page:The Zoologist, 4th series, vol 6 (1902).djvu/232

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little structure, cup-shaped, composed of grass and fibrous roots, the outside covered with lichen and moss, fastened with cobwebs.

Terpsiphone cristata (South African Paradise Flycatcher).—Shot several of these birds. One male 15 in. long; centre tail-feathers, 11½ in. Two other adult males with centre tail-feathers extended no longer than is usual in any other birds; one female with the two centre tail-feathers lengthened half an inch. Discovered a nest in the fork of a slender bough almost overhanging the river. A small cup-shaped, grass-lined nest, with a few patches of lichen and bark on the outside—a striking contrast to the neat little nest of Batis molitor. It contained a newly-hatched young one, and an egg.

Amydrus morio (Cape Glossy Starling).—Very numerous, breeding in crevices of the rocks, usually about 25 ft. from the ground, and close to the river; always on the wild fig early in the morning. They seem to breakfast on fruit, and dine on locusts and other insects, which they catch on the wing.

One bird, apparently a Thrush, and believed to be new to science. Male; food, insects; eyes brown. I do not know the habits; it must either be very shy or scarce, as no others were seen in the district. Dr. Exton kindly offered to send this bird to Mr. Bowdler Sharpe for identification; but it has been since identified by Mr. J. Hyde, Jun., as the Sentinel Rock-Thrush (Monticola explorator).

We also procured specimens of:—Ceryle maxima (Great African Kingfisher), Corythaix musophaga (White-crested Plantain-Eater), Dendropicus cardinalis (Cardinal Woodpecker), D. menstruus (Red-vented Woodpecker), Turdus olivaceus (Olivaceous Thrush), Pycnonotus tricolor (Black-eyebrowed Bulbul), Monticola rupestris (Cape Rock-Thrush), Cinnyris amethystinus (Amethyst Sun-bird), Parus niger (Southern Black-and-White Titmouse), Laniarius cubla (Lesser Puff-backed Bush Shrike), L. senegalus (Common Red-winged Bush Shrike), Lagonosticta rubricata (South African Ruddy Waxbill), Dicrurus ludwigi (Small Drongo), Poliospiza gularis (Streaky-headed Grosbeak).