Page:The Zoologist, 4th series, vol 6 (1902).djvu/249

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is always plastered round with mud. Five is the full complement of eggs.

Dicrurus ater, Herm. (Black Drongo).—Very common. They are most pugnacious birds, always fighting amongst themselves, and attacking every bird they come across—even birds as big as Kites. This is the earliest bird to rise, and the last to retire. Its note is very often heard long before daylight. It breeds in April, May, June, and July.

D. cærulescens, Linn. (White-bellied Drongo).—A pair were shot by Mr. C.M. Inglis in the Madubuni Sub-division.

Dissemurus paradiseus, Linn. (Racket-tailed Drongo).—Mr. Inglis writes:—"Five were seen at Sarso, five miles west of Jhanjrurpur, on Jan. 9th, 1899."

Acrocephalus dumetorum, Blyth (Blyth's Reed-Warbler).—Very common during winter.

Orthotomus sutorius, Forst. (Indian Tailor-Bird).—Very common. Breeds during March, April, May, and June. One nest I knew of was built on a Croton plant, which was in a pot standing in the verandah of a house. Four is the usual complement of eggs.

Cisticola cursitans, Frankl. (Rufous Faintal-Warbler).—Very common. Breeds in March, July, and August.

Prinia inornata, Sykes (Indian Wren-Warbler).—Common. Breeds in June and July. The nest is built among long grasses, and on the indigo plants. Three to four is the full complement of eggs.

Lanius nigriceps, Frankl. (Black-headed Shrike).—I have seen this bird several times during winter among sugar-cane.

L. tephronotus, Vig. (Grey-backed Shrike).—Rarer than the last, and also a cold weather visitor.

L. cristatus, Linn. (Brown Shrike).—Common during winter. It sometimes arrives as early as the end of August, but this is exceptional, the majority of birds arriving in October.

Tephrodornis pondicerianus, Gmel. (Common Wood-Shrike). Scarce. I have only two specimens in my collection.

Pericrocotus speciosus, Lath. (Scarlet Minivet).—One specimen seen by Mr. Inglis in the district.

P. peregrinus, Linn. (Small Minivet).—Very common in all mango groves. Breeds during April, May, and June. The nest