Page:The Zoologist, 4th series, vol 6 (1902).djvu/361

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the Mole, close to its junction with the Thames, and preserved by Mr. F. Yearley (F. Styan and J. Mitchell).

Golden-eye (Clangula glaucion).—Capt. Hankey informs me that he has shot specimens on Fetcham mill-pond; he has three examples from the lake. A female shot, Shamley Green, Guildford, Nov. 17th, 1901 (Zool. 1902, p. 32, and in lit. G. Dalgliesh).

Scoter (Œdemia nigra).—A specimen was shot at East Molesey on April 17th, 1878, and preserved by Mr. F. Yearley (F. Styan and J. Mitchell).

Goosander (Mergus merganser).—A male was shot at West Molesey on Jan. 10th, 1877, and preserved by Mr. F. Yearley. Mr. F. Styan saw a female in the flesh in Mr. W. Bradden's hands for preservation, which was shot during very severe weather on a pond near Farncombe, Godalming, on the 28th of January, 1881 (F. Styan and J. Mitchell).

Smew (M. albellus).—Mr. R.W. Courage had a specimen in his collection—a female—shot near Thursley in 1874, in winter (F. Styan and J. Mitchell).

Red Grouse (Lagopus scoticus).—For further notes on this species, and its connection with the county, I may refer your readers to this Journal (ante, p. 27).

Quail (Coturnix communis).—Mr. F. Styan saw one in Mr. Bradden's hands for preservation, which had been shot in September, 1880, near Guildford; and several were killed in the same autumn on Wey-Down Farm, amongst some clover not far from the same locality, by a Mr. F. Roberts (F. Styan and J. Mitchell). Mr. F.H. Birley, of Lingfield, informs me that he has eggs taken in June, 1893, at Little Bookham (in lit.). Mr. G. Dalgliesh has an egg from a clutch taken in a corn-field near Milford in 1893 (in lit.).

Spotted Crake (Porzana maruetta).—A male was shot at East Molesey on May 10th, 1871, and preserved by Mr. F. Yearley (F. Styan and J. Mitchell).

Water Rail (Rallus aquaticus).—Mr. Gillman informs me that he observed this species on Wimbledon Park pond in the 'sixties on more than one occasion (in lit.). Mr. F. Styan shot a young bird in the summer of 1881 on the Wey, near Stoke, where it had doubtless been bred. Mr. G. Dalgliesh has a recent specimen from Abinger Bottom, near Guildford (in lit.).