Page:The adventures of Pinocchio (Cramp 1904).djvu/126

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“I am sure of it,” replied the Dolphin. “You will find some people not far from here.”

“And what street must I take?”

“Take that little road to the left and follow your nose. You cannot mistake it.”

“Tell me, please, another thing. You travel so much in the sea, both day and night, that perhaps you have seen a little boat with my papa in it.”

“And who is your papa?”

“He is the best in the world, and I am the worst son that can possibly be.”

“With the terrible storm that we had last night the boat must have sunk.”

“And my papa?”

“By this time he must have been swallowed by the Dogfish who for several days has been playing havoc in these waters.”

“Is the Dogfish very large?” asked Pinocchio, who already trembled with fear.

“Large?” replied the Dolphin. “Why, you can get an idea of him when I tell you that he is as large as five-story house and his mouth is so big that he can swallow, at one gulp, a train of cars with the engine attached!”

“Oh, dear me!” cried the marionette, very much scared. Turning to the Dolphin, he said