Page:The adventures of Pinocchio (Cramp 1904).djvu/135

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Pinocchio became suddenly a little less lively.

“After that you can choose a trade or some business.”

Pinocchio became serious.

“What are you mumbling through your teeth?” asked the Fairy.

“I said that now it is a little late to go to school.”

“No, sir. Remember that it is never too late to learn.”

“But I do not wish to learn a trade.”


“Because to work makes me tired.”

“My boy, those who say that always end either in prison or in the almshouse. Every man, whether rich or poor, ought to work at something. Woe to the one that leaves himself to idleness! Idleness is a very bad disease and should be cured quickly or else when you are old you will never get over it.”

These words touched the soul of Pinocchio. Quickly raising his head, he said to the Fairy: “I will study, I will work, I will do all you wish, because the life of a marionette is tiresome and I want to become a boy through and through. You have promised me that, haven’t you?”

“I promise you; and now it depends upon how you behave.”