Page:The adventures of Pinocchio (Cramp 1904).djvu/192

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the dialect of the whip. However, I noticed on his head this little lump. It is hard to see, but it can be felt very easily. According to the medical faculty of Paris this would indicate a passion for dancing, and I therefore began to teach him the art of using his feet. And now you may judge for yourselves whether or not I have succeeded.

Here the master made another profound bow and, turning to Pinocchio, said, “Before going through your exercises salute this respected and intelligent audience.”

Pinocchio, obeying, fell on his knees and stayed there until the master cracked his whip and cried, “Now walk.” Then the donkey stood up on his four feet and began to walk around in a circle.

“Now trot.” And Pinocchio began to trot.

“Gallop.” And Pinocchio began to gallop.

“Now full speed.” And Pinocchio ran as hard as he could. While he was running the master, raising a pistol, fired twice.

At that sound the donkey, pretending to be hit, fell flat on the floor as if he were dead.

I Raising himself in the midst of a shower of applause which could be heard for miles, Pinocchio looked at the audience. As he looked he saw a beautiful lady wearing around her neck a large gold chain from which hung a medallion. On the medallion was engraved the picture of a marionette.