Page:The adventures of Pinocchio (Cramp 1904).djvu/208

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it was a sign that I was alive. Then I told a story and my nose commenced to grow so that I could not pass through the door of the room. After that I met the Fox and the Cat, who advised me to put the money in the ground and watch it grow. I lost it all, for I believed their story. When I told the judge of the town he put me in prison for being so foolish. After I was set free I walked along a road and, feeling hungry, I looked for a bunch of grapes; but I was caught in a trap and a farmer took me to his house and made me play dog. After I had caught the Polecats that robbed his hencoop, he set me free; and I met a Serpent with a smoking tail, and it laughed so hard that a vein broke in its chest and it died. Then I hurried to the house of the beautiful Baby, but she had died. Then a Dove, seeing me cry, said to me, ‘I have seen your papa making a ship to go and look for you’; and I said, ‘Oh! if I had wings I would fly to him!’ And the Dove said, ‘Get on my back’; and away we flew all night. The next day, when we arrived at the shore, the fishermen, looking toward the sea, said to me, ‘There in that boat is a poor old man who will sink’; for the water was so rough. And I ran to a rock and recognized you, because my heart told me that you were there; and I made a sign for you to come back to the shore—”